Saturday, April 30, 2005

This is my first time posting so I guess this is sort of a test post to figure out how things work on here. I try to knit as much as possible but don't always have the time (who does..). Anyway, have only been knitting less than a year. am currently working on crochet afghan, crochet poncho, knit socks and mittens for mom just in time for summer. i think the title says it all (i should note that my mom's friend Doug came up with it)...i don't think i can get through a project without majorly screwing it up at least once...i.e. knit 35 rows of the foot on my sock without any gusset shaping wondering who the hell could possibly have such big feet yet relatively small ankles. but i finished the sock today (my first one ever) and was quite impressed with myself, i think i like it. i'll post a picture of it later. i suppose i'll do some more interesting formatting of blog later as well, but need to start sock #2.


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