Thursday, July 14, 2005


I've been working pretty consistently on the crossed front tank from VK, and would have finished the back but I can't really figure out how to bind off the tops of the shoulders. I did it and took it apart several times, but couldn't figure out how to get both sides the same and started to get confused. So, even though I've been enjoying knitting it, and it's been going fairly quickly, I'm going to put this project down and wait for help from my Grandma. I've never knitted a real garment before so I'd rather just learn how to do it correctly the first time.

Other than that the gauge seems to have worked out miraculously; the measurements seem pretty much right on. I say miraculously because I have no patience for making gauge swatches but forced myself to do it this time. The ribbon yarn was so stretchy that I couldn't really tell if I'd gotten gauge with the needles I was using or not; so worked on hoping. It seems to have worked. The pattern calls for size 10 1/2 and a circular #15, but I used a 9 and 11 instead, knitting loosely. (I've been reading Knitting Without Tears lately and EZ suggests trying out knitting loosely as it's less stressful and I think I'm beginning to agree. I sometimes find that when I'm knitting quite tightly I screw up my face and clench my teeth without even realizing it.)

Anyway, am going to a cabin for the weekend which will hopefully be relaxing, and will bring some knitting along. Not sure which project yet, something as mindless as possible and definitely not the tank. I frogged to where I need to start binding off for the neck shaping and am going to leave it at that until I can get some help. Hope is not lost however, I have a shred of confidence in this project yet, and have not yelled or (amazing!) even thought an obscenity about this project. Maybe I'm just too tired.


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