I Get It!
Shortly after my last post I realized what I was doing wrong and that I was making things much more difficult than necessary for myself. Here's an example of how I was doing things wrong: I had an XXXO pattern where X is the yarn held in my right hand, and O is held in my left hand. I would knit the first X normally, the second I would knit weaving the left hand yarn, the third would be knit normally, then I would knit a stitch with the left hand yarn and weave in the right hand yarn, just because the last stitch was not woven. Get it? So after watching this video again, I realized that I should only be weaving in yarn if I'm making more than two stitches in a row in that color. Phew! Here is a photo of more practice diamonds.

The bottom section was practice in German knitting, the next inch or two was practice stranding, the next inch and a half or so was weaving the wrong way, and the rest was proper weaving. I think it's starting to look a lot better, I just need to practice getting the tension right. Also the edges of this swatch are pretty messed up because I cast on the wrong number of stitches for weaving in flat knitting, but of course I won't make that mistake with an actual pattern.

This is so much easier now that I'm doing it correctly, and it works at least as well as stranding did for me. I'm going to stick with it since I definitely prefer the back of woven fabric.
In non-knitting news I went to see North Country on Sunday. I thought they did a good job. I really admire the women who worked in the mines and went through so much so women today don't have to deal with such extreme sexual harassment. And besides calling pop "soda" (which my mom can't get over), they didn't botch the northern Minnesota accent; it wasn't always good, but it wasn't exaggerated like in Fargo either. I would definitely recommend seeing it.

The bottom section was practice in German knitting, the next inch or two was practice stranding, the next inch and a half or so was weaving the wrong way, and the rest was proper weaving. I think it's starting to look a lot better, I just need to practice getting the tension right. Also the edges of this swatch are pretty messed up because I cast on the wrong number of stitches for weaving in flat knitting, but of course I won't make that mistake with an actual pattern.

This is so much easier now that I'm doing it correctly, and it works at least as well as stranding did for me. I'm going to stick with it since I definitely prefer the back of woven fabric.
In non-knitting news I went to see North Country on Sunday. I thought they did a good job. I really admire the women who worked in the mines and went through so much so women today don't have to deal with such extreme sexual harassment. And besides calling pop "soda" (which my mom can't get over), they didn't botch the northern Minnesota accent; it wasn't always good, but it wasn't exaggerated like in Fargo either. I would definitely recommend seeing it.
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