Progress On My First Sweater
I've begun work on my very first sweater, and am so excited with how smoothly it's progressing. The design is (quite obviously) top down raglan, and best of all will have no seams. I was a little skeptical about the fact that this sweater could come out with the perfect measurements from measuring my head and making a few calculations, but now that I've divided the sleeves and body and tried it on twice I'm a true believer. I haven't had to go back, rip, adjust, anything; the true hallmark of an excellent pattern in my opinion.

The picture isn't the best, but it's not that easy taking photos of your work when there's a curious and very active bunny hopping all over it. Have I mentioned she likes to stand on things?

Fellow bunny owners might think I should be very afraid of her hopping on and around my knitting, but of all the things she enjoys chewing, which is essentially everything, she has mercifully spared my knitting and thus far doesn't seem to be interested in it. I am wary however; I didn't think she'd find my favorite pants on top of the couch appetizing until I took them out of the wash and found them full of holes. Thanks bunny. But seriously, how could you stay mad at a little face like that?

The picture isn't the best, but it's not that easy taking photos of your work when there's a curious and very active bunny hopping all over it. Have I mentioned she likes to stand on things?

Fellow bunny owners might think I should be very afraid of her hopping on and around my knitting, but of all the things she enjoys chewing, which is essentially everything, she has mercifully spared my knitting and thus far doesn't seem to be interested in it. I am wary however; I didn't think she'd find my favorite pants on top of the couch appetizing until I took them out of the wash and found them full of holes. Thanks bunny. But seriously, how could you stay mad at a little face like that?