Trying to stay cool
The weather has been brutal this week and in spite of temperatures that defy even Lake Superior's cooling effect, I have been working steadily on, of all things, an afghan. One of my good friends is getting married in August so I decided to see if Afghans on the Double would live up to its name.
Cutting the time to make an afghan in half for me should mean that it would take approximately 6-8 months to complete. Yet I have completed more than half of the Luxurious Wrap in less than three weeks. Miraculous indeed.

Here is a photo of my progress so far. If I can discipline myself and continue doing about five rows a day (I'm so sorry wrists) I think I can definitely finish it in time to give to my friend. And then a new knitting project all for myself and with no deadlines.
Cutting the time to make an afghan in half for me should mean that it would take approximately 6-8 months to complete. Yet I have completed more than half of the Luxurious Wrap in less than three weeks. Miraculous indeed.

Here is a photo of my progress so far. If I can discipline myself and continue doing about five rows a day (I'm so sorry wrists) I think I can definitely finish it in time to give to my friend. And then a new knitting project all for myself and with no deadlines.